Theo D'Hondt
Programming Technology Lab - Computer Science Department
Faculty of Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Brussel 

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At the undergraduate level, my concerns are best described in a position paper for an ECOOP 2000 workshop on support for teaching about objects. A copy can be downloaded here. I believe these concerns are explicitly addressed in the first and second year curriculum - which I support wholeheartedly. I participated actively in the selection of "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" (SICP) as the basic textbook for our first year; I still consider it an excellent choice, even ten years after the fact.


Although I have taught various subjects in the past (including algorithms and data structures, concurrent systems and even more theoretical material) my current field of teaching is largely related to programming languages, (virtual) machines and language processors-interpreters-compilers. For historical reasons, I am also in charge of the single computer graphics course organised in this university.


Interpretation of computer programs I ( dedicated website: ICP1 )

Interpretation of computer programs I I ( dedicated website: ICP2 )

Principles of Object Oriented Languages ( dedicated website: POOL )

Computer Graphics ( dedicated website: CGR )


Concepts of High-level Programming Languages ( dedicated website: CPL )

European Master's for Object Oriented Software Engineering (EMOOSE)

Information Technology Postgraduate Programme (INFOTEC)