the pico pagenext chapter

Computational processes

Computer science is the study of computational processes. A process is an entity that exhibits a specific behaviour over time. In computational processes however, time advances in discrete steps. Science in general provides a mechanism for describing the behaviour of a process using some language. Describing a computational process involves specifying how it evolves during its successive discrete time steps. This is generally called programming and the language used is called a programming language. Typically, the behaviour of a computational process can be simulated using some machine to interpret the program describing it.Consider a simple computational process that consists of evaluating an arithmetic expression:



Typically we will be using a pocket calculator:

to interpret a program

expressed as an acceptable sequence of buttons to be pressed. In doing so we respect the language that the calculator accepts; hence we can simulate the computation by entering this program on the calculator to obtain its value:

Computer science gives a lot of attention to the expressiveness of programming languages. Typically, we are interested in describing as wide a range of processes as possible while using a language which is as simple as possible. In this chapter we will introduce a simple yet powerful language called Pico to help us explore the concept of computation.

the pico pagenext chapter